HOA Special Meeting #2 Re-Zoning

Stone Ridge Farms Special Meeting Agenda
Rezoning Meeting #2

Piedmont Intermediate

Dec. 4th, 2018
6:30PM to 8:30PM

In attendance: Open Meeting
HOA Residents, HOA Board Members, City Council Representative, HOA retained Attorney, Habitat for Humanity, Land Developers, Piedmont Education Representative.

Open Meeting Session 1 (Residents & Non-Residents)

  1. 6:30 PM — Call to order and welcome: Darren Christenson (HOA President)
  2. 6:45 PM — Recap of previous meeting: Darren Christenson (HOA President)
  3. 7:00 PM — Introduction of guests: Darren Christenson (HOA President)
  4. 7:10 PM — Guest speakers presentation
    1. Mark Stonecipher (Oklahoma City Councilman) introduced the following individuals: Susan Randall – Asst. Municipal Counselor, JJ Chambers – Planner (Development Center), Aubrey McDermid – Planning Director, Eric Wenger – Public Works Director, Scott Cravens – Ward 8 Planning Commissioner.
      1. The group answered questions provided by the HOA President. They also stated that we need to be more involved in alerting the City of Oklahoma City through the proper resources of issues related to roads, flooding and emergency services if we see those as an issue. This is the responsibility of all homeowners.
      2. The group also defined the process of approvals and hearings for the Re-Zoning process.
      3. The panel was excused for a private meeting with the HOA residents, and a few representatives from external HOA’s and non-HOA editions and the Attorney retained by Stone Ridge Farms HOA (Eric J. Groves).

Closed Meeting Session 2 (Residents, Board & HOA Retained Attorney)

  1. 7:50 PM — Open discussion: Darren Christenson (HOA President) & HOA retained Attorney
    1. Current situation & possible outcomes.
      1. Eric J. Groves provided information about the process of developing communications with the legal representative for Habitat for Humanity as well as the format for attending the hearings. Eric mentioned that we have the capability to request for a PUD instead of a R-1 Zoning. This zoning method allows for a negotiation between the development group, the City, and those people that might be affected by the development.
    2. Next steps.
      1. Eric J. Groves will request a continuance to move the date of the hearing so that he can attend.
      2. Eric will communicate with the legal representative for Habitat for Humanity and request to move the Re-Zoning to a PUD.
      3. Depending on the outcome of the Re-Zoning. We may or may not proceed with negotiating our recommendations for the planned development.
    3. Closing with the HOA retained Attorney
  1. 8:20 PM — Vote on representation, continuance and special assessment in March: Darren Christenson (HOA President)
    1. Neal Clonts – HOA Secretary made an announcement that our HOA Board needed a vote of confidence to move forward with legal representation for the HOA during the planning/hearing process and on into the future if the opportunity for negotiating existed. We announced that legal representation will incur a cost and that our Board currently does not have a budgetary number for this engagement however; we wanted to determine if there would be enough interest in pursuing counsel after the hearings. A link to the poll that states we would like to know if you as a homeowner will be willing to invest in the process through a special assessment (only if needed during that time). Neal mentioned that this is not an actual vote for special assessment. The vote for a special assessment would be presented at an official Board Meeting and would allow for homeowners during that time to determine whether or not to move forward. The estimated amount, during the March time frame would be around $100 per household. This is only an estimate and at this time we do not have an actual cost for this engagement until the hearings have completed.

      Link to the online Poll. (Link will be available until Friday at 5:00PM Dec. 7th, 2018)

  1. 8:30 PM — Meeting closed.

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